

Visitors: 252236

Rationale and Background of the Project

The current teaching of mathematics is too instructive which implies an imitative way of processing and a reproductive knowledge of mathematics. This produces at best a passive attitude but more generally a negative one towards the subject. There is a considerable body of international research to support this statement.

There have been considerable efforts to overcome this problem. This project team believes that working with teachers is the most suitable way of achieving the best and quickest results. Members of our project group have been working in this field both within their own countries and with each other for a number of years. They have arrived at the conclusion that teaching should be based on a constructive epistemology of learning which produces creative activities and deep understanding of mathematics. This change should produce a more positive attitude in students together with more enjoyment in the subject.

Aim of the project
To sensitise, motivate and encourage the teachers and to enhance the teacher's competencies in order to improve the teaching of mathematics.

Objectives of the Project
To sensitise the teacher to:

  • a student's non-standard response - non imitative nor reproductive

  • individuality - individual solving strategies, algorithms, conceptual understandings.......

  • a student's misunderstandings, misconceptions........

To motivate and encourage the teacher to:

  • undertake experimental work

  • seek and implement new approaches to specific topics/content

  • seek and implement new teaching strategies/methods

  • become a "reflective" teacher - constantly review and analyse his/her teaching performance

  • change pupil/student's attitudes towards mathematics

  • investigate, assess and understand a student's thinking processes in mathematics.

To enhance a teacher's competency in:

  • understanding a student's cognitive structures, processes, relationships

  • diagnosing the developmental level of a student's knowledge

  • re-educating a student who has mis-conceptions/mis-understandings

  • enhancing the confidence of the students in their mathematical competence

  • creating a mathematically positive climate in the classroom.

Target group and languages
The in-service courses will be aimed at Primary and Secondary school teachers and will be dependent on them being able to trial experimental methods with their classes and to reflect on the outcomes of these trials with respect to themselves and their pupils. In turn new methods of working in the classroom and new knowledge gained will enhance the teachers competence in the classroom and greatly benefit their pupils not only in the understanding of mathematics but in all those subjects which use mathematics. Initially the in-service courses will be prepared for those teachers whose language is either English, Swedish or Czech.


Coordinating institution:
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education
Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
M. D. Rettigové 4, 116 39 Prgue 1, Czech Republic